Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well... I got hit. By a car. Today. *sighs*

I was walking down the street and when I was in the middle of the road, the lights changed and cars started moving. I hesitated on whether to try and cross the last stretch or back up to let cars go past me. (I would have been right in the middle of the road and the cars would have whooshed past me.) The car came too fast and I didn't have time. I flew into the air.

At that moment, there was the beautiful clear blue sky. All I could think of was, "Wow. It's so beautiful." And then I landed rear end first onto the ground. And then I also hit my head. I called my parents and my friends who I had been going towards and then I was whisked off to the ER. I lay there until my parents and my friends showed up.

When I first got there, I cursed at how stupid I was. And then I realized it wasn't completely my fault and also not the worst thing that could have happened.
Yes, I should have stopped and moved back. I should have been more careful. But the driver should have seen me in the middle of the road. The driver should have stopped. And she shouldn't have accused me for running when I wasn't.
And there was another patient nearby. He was an elderly man, and he had been hit by a car as well. But he was having problems with his spine. I realized that that could have been me. It could have been a lot worse than it was. I could have broken something. I could have injured my back. I could have died.

I just feel so lucky that I'm still with all of you. And I'll be more careful in the future. Walking down the street, driving...I'll make sure that I am more on my guard and try not to make the mistake I did and the mistake that the person who hit me did.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you're still with us! please be more careful next time!!!!

Nasaiya Inamae said...

Yeah, thanks! =) I'm glad I'm still with you too. ^_^

Arielle Fragassi said...

I got hit by a car as well, my freshman year in collge. I was riding my bike and the silly girl wasn't paying attention, and hit me. It wasn't serious though, and I didn't have to go to the hospital. I'm glad you're okay! You're right, it could have been a whole lot worse.

By the way, I want to read your stories, which one should I start with? :D

Nasaiya Inamae said...

I'm glad you're okay too!
Well... The story I'm working on most at the moment is Seven, but I do like Melody Maker/Traveling Through Time a lot too. MM and TTT are the first two in a trilogy I'm writing. They need serious editing through.