Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just to get this out of my system

I don't write on this blog's really a once a year "tradition" now, it seems. I think that the main reason I don't like writing on here is because it feels too public, and I just like to keep my thoughts to myself.

But I figure a blog is kind of a good thing, 'cause it keeps me writing.

Anyhow. Due to lack of motivation to do real work, here I am, staring at a blog I never write on and choosing a new layout (which is really shiny...).

I know no one will read this - no one follows this blog, and the only way someone would find it would be if they managed to wander around on blogger. Or attempted a search of it. But I find that highly unlikely. I never searched around on other people's blogs, really...just followed links from one story blog I stumbled upon when I was on the blogger forum. And since I don't go on Not likely.

Well, I should really return to work, or at least, return to attempting to do work. I bet I'll get it done eventually - I just don't know how soon it's going to happen.

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