Saturday, January 29, 2011


These days, I worry about going deaf more than I used to. I keep turning to my iPod or some form of music relief in order to escape the ever growing chaos around me. I seriously feel I'm beginning to blow out my ears. Oh dear.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just to get this out of my system

I don't write on this blog's really a once a year "tradition" now, it seems. I think that the main reason I don't like writing on here is because it feels too public, and I just like to keep my thoughts to myself.

But I figure a blog is kind of a good thing, 'cause it keeps me writing.

Anyhow. Due to lack of motivation to do real work, here I am, staring at a blog I never write on and choosing a new layout (which is really shiny...).

I know no one will read this - no one follows this blog, and the only way someone would find it would be if they managed to wander around on blogger. Or attempted a search of it. But I find that highly unlikely. I never searched around on other people's blogs, really...just followed links from one story blog I stumbled upon when I was on the blogger forum. And since I don't go on Not likely.

Well, I should really return to work, or at least, return to attempting to do work. I bet I'll get it done eventually - I just don't know how soon it's going to happen.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Long Time No...Type.

So I haven't been around on this blog for a while. I suppose this is because I haven't had much reason to. And the main reason I'm here now is to...promote myself. XD

No, seriously, I am though. Ignore this if you must, but I would like you to check out some of my stuff, if you get a chance.
So this is the place where I plan to post my music. I've only just started, so there's not much on it yet, but I plan to put much more up when I get a chance! (That is, when I'm not studying my brains. ^^")
My profile description already has this, but this is where all my artwork is hiding. Okay, not all of it, since I hide some of it in my room so no one will see it...but a lot of it is up on this site. :)

But...yeah, I think that's about all for now. Thanks, if you take a look at this, and even more thanks if you comment!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Ummm...nothing really happens in my life...I don't really understand how some people have so much to write about. >_>

I guess, the only things of importance I can think about it the ecology test I have first block and the subjunctive test/quiz for Spanish. I haven't really studied enough for either... Or rather, I haven't studied enough for the eco test (because I really don't study that much for Spanish...).

I've lately been doing themed drawings in my sketchbook for fun, although I haven't had time or the ability to (since my parents... *growls*) so they're still not up on DA. There's a LOT of things that still aren't on DA. Like...two or three sketchbooks' worth of material. XP I'm not going to be able to find time until the summer to do that...I wonder if my parents will even let me's so stupid sometimes. *sighs*

I's going pretty well; nothing too bad or good at the moment...other than finals, but everyone has finals, so that doesn't really count. Things have kind of settled down now, which is...nice in some ways, but also very...bland. I hope I actually get to have enough sleep tonight... That's going to be nice. that I think of it, I think I have another dance rehearsal on Saturday...I dunno how much I'll be able to sleep... Oh my gosh, is it really the 12?! AAAAHHHHHH *dies* Dance performance number one is on Sunday... o.O Yikes. (Btw, I don't expect anyone to go, really, because it's kind of wicked expensive.)

Yup. So that's life for me at the moment. I'm just going fall asleep at the computer now and hope I don't get caught by my parents...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Melody Maker Revised

I've started a new blog with the revised version on it (only one chapter's up so far though... XP).

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Melody Maker Status

I am starting to edit Melody Maker, as many of you may already know. So far, it seems that I have a LOT to fix... Anyways, I may start reposting sections of Melody Maker if I deem it worthy to be viewed again.

Thanks for following Melody Maker, and I hope you enjoy reading what I have. ^_^

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Er... Hello people?

Um.... Yeah... I haven't typed much lately... I've been kind of busy, and Seven's finished now, but I still haven't gotten around to writing book three... I'm still developing the plot for book three and still need to come up with a name. I have some ideas, but I don't like them very much. And lately, I've been feeling a little out of touch with Fala, Faalan, and all the other characters.
I don't really like TTT, and am seriously considering on taking it out of the trilogy, making it a two book series. I still need to edit MM, because I'm sure that it's in my old writing style, meaning the flow is very choppy. I wrote it in sections, so the way that its written probably shifts a little. I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to edit it (it's such a daunting task, really) but I think I'll probably attempt it during Christmas vacation. Which is in around a month. It's Thanksgiving vacation now, but I already wasted around a day trying to fix up my ipod, and I only have today and tomorrow. Which isn't very useful, considering my mom and brother are coming back home today (they went to New York with one of my brother's friends) and my mom doesn't like me on the computer for more than an hour. My dad doesn't really care that much about how long I'm on.
I hope that I manage to edit MM properly by the end of Christmas vacation, but I highly doubt it. I may have to wait until February vacation to finish editing. And even then, I know that I won't be satisfied. *sigh* So much work to be done, so little time...

However, I have this urge to not write the third book at all, though I know there will be people who won't be very happy with me. If I do edit MM, I will add onto it so that book three becomes a part of MM. At least, I think that is what will happen. I think that this way will end up being the best because MM is relatively short, and if I add on book three to it, it will be long enough for a decently sized book.
So, um...tell me what you think, I guess. I'm not really sure what to say, honestly...