Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Ghost Story

"I'm coming!" I didn't want to leave here, I really didn't. Mom was making me and my brother, John, move because Dad got this wonderful job way out there in the land of Far, Far Away. Actually, John wanted to move, being the weird person he was. Taking one last look at the room I had used for the last 13 years, I quickly ran out of the house to Mom before she got angrier than she already was.
"Be good, Cassandra, okay? Take care of John for me while I'm in Taiwan."
"Yes, Mom..." I murmured in consent. Not only was I moving, Mom had recently gotten called to Taiwan because I think great-grandma was dying. I would feel sad about that if I knew her. I'd only met her once, so it was kinda hard for me to feel bad. Still, seeing Mom with that agonized look on her face killed me.
Mom slid into the smaller silver car and Dad, John, and I slid into the larger red car. Mom waved goodbye to us when we parted ways and I waved back weakly. I was still upset about leaving the house I'd lived in for more than a decade.
I stared blankly out of the window as Dad and John began to talk about their trip to the beach. From what I had heard, they had almost gotten into a car accident. The rest of their trip, however, was "fantastic." I wondered how they could be so cheerful at leaving our old house. I missed it already and it had only been an hour.
"We're here!" I sleepily opened my eyes; had I fallen asleep? John danced around in a circle and continued to shout the same phrase over and over again.
"John, could you have the decency to shut up?!" I screeched at him. He fell silent for a couple moments before starting again. Dad just rolled his eyes and began to take our things into the new house.
Then, I finally got a good look at the house. I had refused to look before now, but I hadn't expected the house to be...well...this HUGE! It was practically a mansion! By now, Dad and John had already gone into the house, so I opened the car door and made my way inside. To the left of the giant door that I just barely could open, there was an enormous spiral staircase. As I traveled through the house, there were rooms of all shapes and sizes and uses. By the time I was done looking through the first level of the house, my feet were sore. I'd only seen one set of stairs and that was the giant spiral staircase.
Standing at the bottom of all those steps, I wondered how long it would take to get up there. There was a flash of movement beside me and then I saw John running up the staircase.
"C'mon, Cassy!" he called from the middle of the staircase.
"I told you NOT to call me Cassy!" I retorted, but began to climb. He reached the top and I could see him waiting, but no matter how much I walked, I couldn't get to the top. I climbed for 5 minutes and I couldn't make it to the top. Eventually, I gave up and turned around. It only took me a couple seconds to reach the bottom.
A shiver of fear ran through me as I looked at the staircase. When I had first seen it, I would have called it magnificent. Now, I would probably have called it haunted. It scared me and I never again tried to use those stairs.
After a couple months of settling in, I grew to like this new home. The house was enormous, so if I wanted to, I could avoid people. The school here wasn't too bad, and though I made no friends, I learned more than I ever did in my old school. Even so, I missed my old friends and e-mailed them as often as possible.
Mom still wasn't back, but I wasn't worried because she had said that she might be back later than expected.
I tried to find Dad in this huge building and it took me a while before I found him at a desk with his laptop.
"Hey dad, guess what?" There was no response from him, but I continued to talk. "I think I really like this house."
"What if two ghosts liked this house too?" My blood ran cold. What was with his voice? That hard, unfeeling quality in his words?
"What if this was a bloody house?" Dad began to turn towards me.
"What if they wanted you gone?" Now I could see this horrible evil grin on his face. I took a step back.
His arms shot out and cold fingers encircled my neck. I gasped for air as I tried to pry his fingers off. He began to float into the air and his terrible grin grew larger.
It suddenly all made sense. Dad and John were the two ghosts; they had died in the "almost car accident." And Mom? She too had died long ago. There were reports of a car accident but only now did all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. She was already gone.
The fingers were cold around my neck. Breath came short. My vision began to go and then, I saw no more.

AN: Creepy as this is, this was also a dream I had a while back. I didn't sleep very much after this, believe me.


Anonymous said...

wow....creepy!!!!! i can understand how you couldn't sleep after this...

Nasaiya Inamae said...

Yeah... It was very, very creepy.. *shivers* Makes for a good story though!