Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stupid School Computers

I'm annoyed at the school computers. For one, they're slow. They don't have modzilla firefox. And now I find that I can't do italics or bold, which I need to write TTT (Traveling Through Time). And I know I won't have time later today because I won't be able to get onto the computer after school and this is the only time I really have today. I can't work on my other blogs because A TS Story might make some people twitchy and you know my problem with TTT. I could work on TTT Information, but there's not much to really post. I could work on a short story, but I have no inspiriation. So the only thing I have right now is to get annoyed and type about how annoyed I am. So here I am, doing exactly what I wrote. It's not very interesting at all and I'm probably boring you out with my writing. This is definitely not something I would read normally, and I don't think you guys would read anything like this normally either.
It's a good thing that I don't have to tolerate these school computers much longer because I'm going to high school. The thing is, I don't know how good the high school computers are. For all I know, they could be the same or even worse. Now that would suck. I just hope the computers are better.
Oh, my parents said that I could get a laptop in high school if I pay for half of it. But I can get any laptop I want. Which is good. Just, I don't really know how much I would be willing to spend on a laptop and which laptops are good. I'll have to do some searching I guess, but I really don't know what to search for. I've never done laptop shopping. A friend of mine suggested I search on and organize it by price so I could compare style and prices and all the fun stuff. I suppose I could do that, but I really don't feel like it right now. What I reallly want to do is write, so that's what I'm doing. Although, it's not a very interesting thing to write about.
I'll stop ranting now and stare off into space. Thanks for tolerating with my little post here that has no purpose what so ever.


coolidgen said...

LHS computers are better, I think. I have no idea where the labs are, though. I TOTALLY agree about the MS comps.

Arielle Fragassi said...

Hmm have you tried highlighting the text and hitting ctrl+i? If they're macs, I think the command is that apple key + i, but I'm not sure. You could also always go into HTML mode on blogger and use the HTML tags too. ^.^